Experience wonderious Liptons seat

Beautiful Scenery
Observation Point

Lipton Seat is one of the top tourist attractions in the Province and is frequently visited by foreign and local visitors. This is located at the highest point of the tea plantation founded by Sir Thomas Lipton. Five districts surrounding Badulla could be viewed from the Lipton Seat when the weather is fine and free of mist. Among the beautiful tea estates, the panorama at the top includes a view of the Dambetenna Tea Factory -the largest tea factory in Sri Lanka. Lipton Seat can be reached by travelling 17km along the Dambetenna road that branches off at Haputhaleon Colombo – Badulla high way. Alternative ways to reach Lipton Seat are through Bandarawela Poonagala road and by travelling 18km along Nayabedda estate road.

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